JCI's Executive Protection in NYC Is Non-Intrusive

JCI hands providing protection for NYC executive

JCI's management team provides non-intrusive executive protection in New York City for today's executives and high-profile individuals. While clearly our modern world poses unprecedented and personal risks that require higher levels of security planning, management and implementation, Our Team recognizes the necessity of designing a personal protection program that does not interfere with our clients' daily activities and routines. Just like John Cutter himself, our Executive Protection Specialists in NYC have been part of law enforcement for many years. Their many years of law enforcement experience have been supplemented by specialized training in modern executive protection practices, including courses that teach tactics and practices used by the U.S. Secret Service. Armed with this knowledge and specialized training, our Executive Protection Specialists have provided protection for government dignitaries, key executives, and even well-known celebrities. Surprisingly though, most of the time we do not get referrals from clients because of our specialists' expertise and backgrounds, we instead get referrals because of our specialists' "Quiet Professional" approach.

Our Executive Protection in NYC Is Delivered by "Silent Professionals"

If you were to ask an average person how they would consider an Executive Protection Specialist to behave in an everyday situation, they would automatically conjure up an image in their head of a Secret Service agent standing stationary, silent, surveying the scene. Granted, figures like this work perfectly for top government officials, but what about high-profile individuals who interact with their friends, family, and colleagues in commonplace social situations? It can actually be quite intimidating to others around, and can interfere with a client's social life. To prevent any unwanted interferences, JCI's Executive Protection Specialists in NYC are trained to be a "Silent Professional" and blend in with any social environment. This is accomplished through routinely designing personal protection plans beforehand that take into account all possible risks and threats a client may encounter, regardless of the situation and environment.

Such personalized executive protection plans include, but are not limited to:

  • Risk assessment of threats and vulnerabilities

  • Customized EP planning to protect client regardless of their whereabouts

  • Protective services for the office and residence

  • Travel Advance Planning for domestic and international visits

  • Special Event Security

JCI Offers Executive Protection in NYC, Nationwide & Abroad

JCI's resources around the nation and the globe can allow executive protection for clients beyond New York City. We can create a personalized travel plan in advance for clients that includes pre-trip advisories, ground transportation solutions, and personnel who will await clients once they arrive at their destination. So whether you are looking for executive protection in NYC and/or need a firm that will be at your side across the globe, JCI will provide you the protection you need.

We offer free consultations. You can begin the process now by filling out our form or by calling our Manhattan office at (212) 913-9708.