John Cutter
John W. Cutter is the founder and owner of John Cutter Investigations Inc. (JCI). JCI is a full service investigative firm specializing in all hazards (threat) assessments, background/field investigations, security consulting and executive protection. With thirty-three years of professional experience, John wants to develop JCI into an industry leader.
John retired from the New York City Police Department after a successful twenty-five year career. His last position was as the deputy chief in the criminal intelligence section where he was responsible for all counter-terrorism initiatives for the department’s intelligence division.
“The best the timid can hope for is to be unnoticed. Criticism comes to those who stand out. Don’t be afraid to be innovative.”
Mr. Cutter began his career as a New York City Housing police officer in 1980, and spent his first fifteen years in law-enforcement working in the public housing projects of New York City. During his tenure he worked in every conceivable position within the housing police department, beginning with foot patrol officer and working his way up to become the commanding officer of the housing police major case squad, where he was responsible for the investigation of all homicides in public housing as well as other high profile cases. When the housing police department merged with the New York City Police Department in 1995, Mr. Cutter continued his work in the investigative arena over the next ten years. Mr. Cutter became the commanding officer of the 90th and 75th detective squads and earned four more promotions in multiple investigative assignments. Mr. Cutter attained the rank of deputy chief before retiring in 2004. During his years with the NYCHPD and the NYPD, Mr. Cutter maintained his position as a commanding officer for over fifteen years.
In January of 2001, Chief Cutter was asked by the New York City Police Department’s Commissioner to develop and implement a new unit within the intelligence division known as the criminal intelligence section. The criminal intelligence section became operational in March of 2001 and quickly developed into one of the most productive crime fighting units within the department. The unit was so successful it was awarded the department’s unit citation in its first year of operation.
On September 11, 2001 the focus of the criminal intelligence section shifted to terrorism. As the commanding officer, criminal intelligence section, Chief Cutter oversaw all counter-terrorism related activities within the intelligence division, to include preventive measures such as operations Hercules and Nexus, and the NYPD international and national liaison programs, as well as all investigations relative to terrorism.
In addition to his position within the NYPD, Mr. Cutter was also designated the commanding officer of the New York/New Jersey Regional Intelligence Center, a multi-agency command center which collected, analyzed and distributed intelligence materials from a local, state and federal level. Mr. Cutter is credited with directing many successful investigations and initiatives still utilized by the New York City Police Department today. He was the lead proponent in developing the intelligence fusion center that was utilized during the 2004 Republican National Convention that allowed the convention to operate nearly incident free.
Mr. Cutter’s transition into the private sector began in October of 2004 where he joined a high profile security investigations firm in New York City as the president, and was responsible for running the day-to-day operations of both the security and investigations divisions. Mr. Cutter brought with him many of the ideas and plans that made him successful throughout his career in law enforcement. During his over eight years as president, his leadership and skills as a security and law enforcement professional maintained a strong client base and was able to retain clients based on outstanding customer service and client approval.